By Neena Bhandari
The Murray River is to Australia what Nile is to Egypt. It gently meanders its way from the Snowy Mountains, irrigating fields and orchards, along its 2520 km journey to the Southern Ocean. In years gone by, it was a thriving route for paddle steamers transporting wool and wheat to and from the towns dotting the riverside. It is now an aquatic playground for families seeking a tryst with nature.
Raucous flocks of cockatoos and galahs swing from river red gums, a solo kingfisher plummets into the shallow waters and returns with its priced catch, fish abound here. Steep ochre tinted limestone cliffs lure visitors to make the climb as children frolic along the grassy riverbank.
In one of the driest states in the driest continent, where nature is beautiful yet unforgiving, the Murray invigorates life in the ecosystem and the communities that flourish along its banks.