Legal Identity for all a must

By Neena Bhandari

Sydney, 24.11.2021 (SciDev.Net): A strong, universal, responsive civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) system is critical for Asia Pacific countries to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure that the most vulnerable have access to healthcare, immunisation and social welfare services.

This was highlighted in the Ministerial Declaration issued at the conclusion in Bangkok of the Second Ministerial Conference on CRVS (16—19 November) in Asia and the Pacific, organised by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

Nearly 40 per cent of global deaths in 2020 were unregistered, according to a WHO report. And preliminary WHO estimates suggest that the total global excess mortality directly or indirectly attributable to COVID-19 amounts to 1.2 million more than the reported deaths in 2020.

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Why did The Productivity Commission recommend the NDIS not cover Aged Care?

By Neena Bhandari

Sydney, 11.11.2021 (Hireup): John Walsh, a long time former National Disability Insurance Agency board member and one of the authors of The Productivity Commission (PC) report that recommended the design of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), explains the reasons why the NDIS was geared for a specific disability cohort – and why in his opinion, it shouldn’t cover Aged Care. Walsh has lived with quadriplegia since an accident during a rugby league game in his early twenties.

NB: What was the reasoning behind limiting NDIS to under 65-year-olds?

JW: There were very clear definitional, economic and ideological reasons why the NDIS should focus on younger people with disabilities.

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Why we need to bolster My Aged Care to come at par with the NDIS

By Neena Bhandari

Sydney, 20.10.2021 (Hireup): George Laszuk is among thousands of Australians with a disability who are not covered by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which excludes people over the age of 65.

He missed the NDIS safety net by less than a year. “It came as a bombshell. I felt cheated. We had campaigned for it for so many years. Until today, it has never been made clear as to why we were excluded,” says Laszuk, who contracted poliomyelitis at 11 months of age in 1951. October is polio awareness month.

He is now experiencing Post-Polio Syndrome and requires a powered wheelchair and assistance with showering and daily chores. His My Aged Care package barely meets his daily needs despite him being in the highest category of the program.

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