Category Diaspora

Dr Gorur Harinath – a good innings in medicine, multiculturalism & cricket

By Neena Bhandari

Growing up on the Osmania University campus in Hyderabad (India), Gorur Harinath would meet medical students, who would sometimes join him and his mates for a game of cricket on the campus grounds. One day, curious about what was taught in the medical college, he asked one of the boys to show him his classroom.

He was taken to the anatomy laboratory, where students were performing dissection on dead bodies. “It was my introduction to medical science, but in that epiphanous moment, I decided that one day I would become a doctor”, says Dr Harinath, who graduated in medicine in 1970.

After graduation, most of his batchmates began applying to universities in the United States or the United Kingdom to pursue post-graduation and eventually migrate. “To get admission in the US, students had to sit an exam which was conducted in Singapore and other countries, but not in India. My father, who was a horticulturalist, couldn’t afford to send me overseas to sit the exam as we were six siblings and he was the only breadwinner”, he adds.

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Asian food warms hearts on Australian MasterChef

By Neena Bhandari

Sydney, 10.07.2021 (Khaleej Times): As COVID-19 lockdowns confined people to their homes, many sought comfort in home cooking. The 13th season of MasterChef Australia showcased contestants from varied professions, inspired by their culture and heritage, improvising traditional recipes to incorporate local Australian produce and ingredients. They created dishes that attracted a huge following, including from second and third generation migrants from around the world.

The Australian food landscape, today, is a cultural melting pot. The penchant is growing to discover and savour the culinary diversity immigration has brought to this country. In recent years, it has been the subtleties and complexities of Asian flavours that is gaining popularity.

Four contestants with Indian, Bengali, Sri Lankan and Vietnamese heritage speak about what makes them passionate about food; when did they transition to cooking good food from enjoying eating it? Would they have been as passionate about their heritage and cuisine, if they hadn’t migrated; the importance of reducing food waste; their connection to the Middle East; and the doors that this competition has opened for them. Continue reading

भारत से बच्चा गोद ले पाएंगे ऑस्ट्रेलिया के नागरिक?

ऑस्ट्रेलिया के न्यू साउथ वेल्स राज्य के विंडसर शहर में रहने वाली 33 साल की एलिज़ाबेथ ब्रूक और उनके 32 वर्षीय पति एडम ब्रूक इस बात से बेहद खुश हैं कि ऑस्ट्रेलिया ने भारत के साथ अडॉप्शन प्रोग्राम (गोद लेने का कार्यक्रम) दोबारा शुरू करने की सिफ़ारिश की है.

एलिज़ाबेथ जब 14 साल की थीं तब उन्हें पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवेरियन सिंड्रोम हो गया था. इस बीमारी की वजह से एलिज़ाबेथ कभी गर्भधारण नहीं कर सकतीं.

वे कहती हैं, ”इस कार्यक्रम ने हमारे लिए उम्मीद की एक नई किरण जगाई है, हम अपना परिवार शुरू करने के बारे में सोच रहे हैं.”

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