Category Business and Trade

अदाणी भारत में नहीं लेकिन ऑस्ट्रेलिया में चुनावी मुद्दा ज़रूर है

भारतीय अरबपति बिज़नेसमैन गौतम अदाणी का उत्तरी क्वींसलैंड का कारामाइकल कोलमाइन प्रोजेक्ट, 18 मई को होने वाले ऑस्ट्रेलियाई चुनाव में एक अहम मुद्दा बन गया है.

इस प्रोजेक्ट के चलते आर्थिक, पर्यावरण, कोयला और जलवायु परिवर्तन के मुद्दे पर मतदाता और राजनीतिक दल बंटे हुए नज़र आ रहे हैं.

सात संभावित निर्दलीय उम्मीदवारों ने एक अहम समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किया है. ऑस्ट्रेलियन कंज़र्वेशन फ़ाउंडेशन (एसीएफ) के संयोजन में इन सदस्यों ने संसद सदस्य के तौर पर चुने जाने पर जलवायु परिवर्तन को ध्यान में रखते हुए कई क़दम उठाने का वादा किया है. इसमें अदाणी के थर्मल कोलमाइन प्रोजेक्ट का विरोध भी शामिल है.

BBC Hindi Radio Comment

BBC Hindi –

BBC Gujarati –

BBC Tamil –

BBC Marathi –

English Translation – Adani English Translation

© Copyright Neena Bhandari and BBC Indian Languages. All rights reserved. Republication, copying or using information from content is expressly prohibited without the permission of the writer and the media outlet syndicating or publishing the article.

How Australia Sustainably Manages the World’s Last Wild Commercial Fishery of Pearl Oysters

By Neena Bhandari

SYDNEY/BROOME/CYGNET BAY (Australia), 23.11.2018 (IPS): Australia’s remote north-western Kimberley coast, where the Great Sandy Desert meets the sapphire waters of the Indian Ocean, is home to the giant Pinctada maxima or silver-lipped pearl oyster shells that produce the finest and highly-prized Australian South Sea Pearls.

Australia is the only country in the world that uses wild oyster stocks. To ensure its sustainability, the pearling industry operates on a government-regulated quota system that sets a maximum number of wild stock pearl oysters that can be caught each year from the Eighty Mile Beach, south of Broome in the state of Western Australia. These wild pearl oyster beds represent the last wild commercial fishery for Pinctada maxima oysters in the world.

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Rich Asia Pacific nations rank poorly on development policies

By Neena Bhandari

Sydney, 21.09.2018 (SciDev.Net): The richer Asia-Pacific countries and the US do poorly on the 2018 Commitment to Development Index (CDI), which ranks 27 wealthy countries according to how well their aid, trade, environment and migration policies support low and middle-income countries in poverty alleviation, good governance and security.

Published annually by the Center for Global Development (CGD), the index is based on benefits policies of some members of the OECD’s (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Development Assistance Committee provide to about five billion people living in poor countries.

New Zealand ranks 13th, the highest ranked Asia Pacific country, Australia 14th, the US 23rd, Japan 24th and South Korea comes last at 27th in the CDI released on 18 September by the CGD, a nonprofit think-tank with offices in London and Washington DC.

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© Copyright Neena Bhandari. All rights reserved. Republication, copying or using information from content is expressly prohibited without the permission of the writer and the media outlet syndicating or publishing the article.